Meet a Supporter - Marie D.


troducing subscriber Marie DiBona from Massachusetts who firmly believes Dena needs her own talk show called “One Funny Morning LIVE” with an in-person studio audience and special guests! I guess this is why she also tells us the One Funny Morning mug is her favorite item in our store!

Marie met up with the OFM Team’s Dumb Bus Trip at Jordan’s Furniture Store in Avon, MA and enjoyed meeting everyone!

She likes how genuine Dena is and she is grateful that Dena shares her entire family with us each day!

When asked if OFM meets our goal of making her smile each day, she said, “Without a doubt!! Relating to the many life events, good or bad, makes me not feel alone.” In Marie’s opinion, One Funny Mother stands apart from other companies because of the honesty and the sincerity of Dena and the entire group. We agree, Marie! Thanks for being here with us!

Are you an OFM supporter? Tell us about yourself and why you love being a part of the OFM family here!

Wendy "She's really in charge" Luyber

Wendy Luyber is the OFM Mastermind. She knows everything and makes everything better.


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