Dear Di-ary….
Question from Carrie from Ontario: Your relationship with your daughter(s) is refreshing and beautiful. You definitely are a magnificent role model.
Raising your children is the HARDEST job EVER!!!
It is not easy, nor without difficulties. I tried to raise our three daughters like I was raised. We had love and fun in our home when I was growing up. It was just the four of us…Mom, Dad, my brother Dominic and ME! Being the oldest I had a lot of responsibility. In fact I was always told by my Mom….”You need to be responsible and independent!” And that’s what I became. Mom said….”I’m not going to be here forever so you need to know how to take care of yourself.” I tried to instill those same traits into our three daughters and they are ALL very responsible AND independent!
When I was young we did things together as a family. We didn’t have a lot of money but we were happy. We went on picnics, took rides to the shore, went fishing and crabbing with Aunts, Uncles and cousins. We celebrated everything and praised each other for a job well done. Whether it was a game well played, good marks in school or a picture you colored (even thought it wasn’t “in the lines”) you were told…”Great job!” All those things gave me confidence that I could do anything I set my mind too! They told me I was doing a great job and I believed them!
So, that’s how I tried to raise our daughters. Don’t get me wrong….the three girls were NOT without conflict. They had their disagreements like all children do. Sometimes we had family “meetings” to discuss what was going on and try to resolve some conflicts. But, they did not always agree on things. And that’s OK. We are individuals and see things differently. I’ve always told them if you are upset with each other you need to talk about it, try to come to a compromise and then move on and forget about it. LIFE IS TOO SHORT…don’t waste time being angry! It is NOT easy….but FAMILY FIRST always. Material things…money, cars, jewelry, etc, don’t mean anything. YOUR FAMILY, their health and happiness is what matters most. Then everything else will follow suit. The legacy you leave behind and hopefully, the example you have shown your children and grandchildren will inspire them to carry on those same things.
Best advice…..LEAD BY EXAMPLE, and of course Laugh, Love and LIQOUR!!! (And sex…..don’t forget good sex!)
Editors Note: OFM does not condone any of the sex parts of the blog. Diana has gone rogue and I’m sure Dena is the blame for it.
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