New York Times- "How Dena Blizzard became One Funny Mother"
Daily Mail - "Comedian pokes fun at Pokémon Go by using a fictional app to hunt for glasses of WINE in brilliant parody video"
New York Times- Ex Beauty Queens say the Darndest Things
Forbes - "Two Female Comedians Walk Into A Bar And Reveal Their Secrets To Powerful Communications"
Glamour - "Moms, "Chardonnay Go" Is Your Delightfully Drunk Answer to Pokémon Go"
People - "'Shiraz On the Shelf' Is the New 'Elf on the Shelf' All Moms Need This Holiday Season"
New York Times- "From Barbie to Barbs, A Road Less Traveled"
Huff Post - "Dena Blizzard: One Weird and Wonderfully Funny Mother Shares the Crazy Normality of Parenthood"
Buzz Feed: "This Mom Came Up With A Version Of Pokemon Go We Wish Was Real"
Daily Voice - "Former Miss New Jersey's Back To School Video Goes Viral"
Philly Voice- "Jersey comedian making board game version of viral Chardonnay Go video"
Understood.org- "5 Questions with Dena Blizzard, Comedian and Parent of a child who learns and thinkgs differently"
ABC 10 - "Mom's emotional video about IEP frustration is every parent fighting for their kids"
PBS - "About the Show...."
NBC News -"Back-to-School Supplies Cost as Much as Average Mortgage"
ABC 7 - "New Jersey mom relates to others in off-Broadway's 'One Funny Mother'"
NJ.com - "One Funny Mother: Dena Blizzard"
SJ Magazine - South Jersey’s One Funny Mother Makes “LIVE! With Kelly & You” Final 5
"Great American Syndicate- One Funny Mother Dena Blizzard On Kids, Quarantine, And Crisis"
Suburban Family- Dena Blizzard