Dear Di-ary….
Question: Life skills you think kids should have before college or generally moving out of the house?
Submitted by Anonymous
From a very young age my mother always said to me….
”You need to learn to be independent and responsible.”
She taught me that I could do anything I wanted to as long as I put my mind to it. I tried to instill those traits in our three daughters and I do believe each one of them is independent and responsible and they in turn have taught their children as well.
We do our best as parents and pray that when they leave the nest they will do well and be great adults. Some children learn faster/easier and others will struggle but, all in all, I do believe they will learn to be great people! I know from my own experience that we try to “tell” them what the best thing is to do but inevitably the final decision is up to them. And more often they may choose to do it “their way” and soon find out that Mom and Dad may have been right after all.
I also think it is important that our children learn about their faith and have that to fall back on when needed during their lifetime, so no matter what faith you are, or practice, it is important to pass that on to them. As young adults they may question or fall away from their faith but hopefully as adults they will gradually go back and give to help others. I believe we are all here to help each other, in whatever small way we can, to encourage one another and to lift each other up. We are all given different talents by God and those talents should be used to give back to help others. I sew and make Prayer Quilts for people who are ill at our church. You may cook or bake and bring food or baked goods to others in need. You may know how to build things and help your neighbor. You may know how to sing and have joined the church choir. Whatever your gift is it is important to use that gift to give back. When our children see us do that they in turn will do it for others as well. It’s that old saying….”Practice what you preach!”
So, whether they go off to college or just move out of the house hopefully they take with them everything we have taught them. They may flounder and fall at some point but they will have the skills and moral values that we have instilled in them to be kind, considerate, compassionate, independent and responsible adults!
And now that they are gone Mom & Dad have plenty of “special time alone” with each other!!! WOO HOO!!!!
Editors Note: OFM does not condone any of the sex parts of the blog. Diana has gone rogue and I’m sure Dena is the blame for it.
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