Dear Di-ary….
Question: I am not a mom but how did you do it with 3 girls? And would you change anything?
Submitted by Renee from PA-
Having 3 children in 3 years was a bit much! But as they say, “God doesn’t give you any more than you can handle!”
When we had our first daughter, Michele, everything was perfect! The nursery was all ready and so were we…everyone was so excited for our beautiful new baby! Of course back then there were no “gender reveal” parties. Everyone just looked at you and said “I think it’s a boy OR I think it’s a girl” based purely on how you carried the baby or how big your face got during your pregnancy!!! Even the doctors guessed the gender by how fast the baby’s heart rate was and said our last child was going to be a boy and along came our third daughter Nicole!
I was a stay at home mom and having only one child was wonderful. I had time to spend with our new baby daughter Michele, cook, clean, wash and do the chores…such a wonderful time. We wanted more children and two years later along came Dena. And again a wonderful time…Michele, being 2 years old was a great “mommy’s little helper” and we both had fun taking care of Dena and I was still able to keep up with everything. Then it happened! Dena was 3 months old and I found out I was pregnant with our third child! Now things got a little crazy! I had a two year old, a three month old and carrying another baby! There were days I was so tired and it took all my energy to just get all of us dressed and fed.
AND THEN THERE WERE THREE! After Nicole was born things changed quite a bit. Michele, now 3, Dena 1 and Nicole a new born. My days and nights were a blur! I remember one day running the vacuum with a glass of wine and crying! It was really hard to keep up with everything. If something didn’t get done I would worry and try to keep it up but that didn’t always happen. I was so tired all the time….when they napped, I napped! I just didn’t have the energy to do everything I did before. But as time went on things got easier. The girls got older, started school and I got back to a routine. Did it still get crazy at times…..yes! Did I get upset and yell….yes! But we got through it with a lot of tears, joy, conflict, love and laughter.
Would a change anything…..absolutely not!!!! God gave us the best gift of our three beautiful daughters!
Editors Note: OFM does not condone any of the sex parts of the blog. Diana has gone rogue and I’m sure Dena is the blame for it.
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