Meet a Supporter - Kari M.
troducing subscriber Kari Mortlock from New Jersey who started following Dena in 2016. Kari believes if you stop and appreciate someone’s craft, like a street performer, you should throw a tip in their hat. She equates this to why she became a supporter in 2020. “When I realized how much I was watching and enjoying the morning show during the pandemic I wanted to “throw a tip in Dena’s hat.” Little did Kari know the fun that awaited her on that supporter page……iykyk!!
Kari first met up with the OFM Team on the Dumb Bus Trip and said she had so much fun! Kari credits the morning show at the start of Lent last year for leading her toward a healthier lifestyle. “Dena
mentioned that Lent isn’t just about giving up something, it could also be about adding something in to your life. I decided to add going to the gym every day until the San Antonio trip in May. I lost a little over 20 pounds before the trip. I have kept up with it, and have lost another 20 since. I tell people it all started with that morning show.” How amazing is that?
A fun fact you may not know about Kari? Her real name is Karin although her parents always called her Kari. “My dad thought Kari sounded like a little girl so I call Karin my big girl name.” When asked for three words to describe the OFM difference, Kari said “Authentic, Fun and Engaging!”
Are you an OFM supporter? Tell us about yourself and why you love being a part of the OFM family here!