Meet a Supporter - Tania from NY
troducing subscriber Tania Jimenez from New York! As a teacher, Tania loved Dena’s viral Target video but started to consistently following Dena during the pandemic. Tania said, “
Living alone during Covid, Dena got me through my days! She made me feel less alone and created a community full of love and support!”
Tania’s favorite part of supporting Dena was getting the chance to Cohost One Funny Morning - although it was with LadyDi and not Dena because Dena was sick.
A fun fact you may not know about Tania is that she serves as the unofficial photographer on our OFM trips. She is never ever without her fancy camera! “N
othing can beat the OFM trips where I’ve met friends who are now my family!” said Tania.
When asked for three words to describe the OFM difference, Tania said “
Fun, supportive, and friends!” Something Tania says you may not know about her, “
No one in the OFM community pronounces my name the same way 😂!” OOPS!!
Are you an OFM supporter? Tell us about yourself and why you love being a part of the OFM family here!