My babies are moving to NY!!
Today all my dreams….I mean, my kid’s dreams…come true!! Dean and Jacqueline are moving to New York!! After graduating Temple and Drexel University and starting their comedy careers in Philadelphia, they are moving closer to their dreams of working in New York and on SNL one day! I’m not sure exactly how I’m feeling about it all. I’ve moved my kids, in and out of college, a dozen times…but today feels different. They are too far to do a quick “Pop in” but close enough that, if needed, I can drive up at a moment’s notice.
My twenties were filled with Miss America adventures, Grad School and making babies. I didn’t start doing comedy until I was thirty and I can’t help but wonder where I’d be if I’d taken these chances in my twenties. But I didn’t know anything about entertainment. I certainly didn’t know any comedians. At thirty, I just remember thinking I was “SO OLD” to be starting a new career.
Dean and Jacqueline have both expressed nervousness about the move, but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. They belong here. If I look back on the amazing experiences I’ve had, I realize I started them knowing NOTHING… but I took a chance anyway.
At 18, I dropped out of college to live home and figure out my life.
At 22, I graduated college and competed at Miss America….after not knowing anyone or anything.
At 30, I started doing Stand-Up….not knowing anyone or anything.
At 38, I started doing Audience Warm-up for Paula Deen, and Anderson Cooper in New York….not knowing anyone and anything.
At 40, I wrote a Off Broadway show, I’d eventually tour around the country….not ever writing anything before.
At 44, I created a video and Board Game called, “Chardonnay Go”, that went viral and sold in stores across the country….not ever having made a game before.
At 45, my “Back to School” Video, was seen over 200 million times…after NEVER drinking in a Target before. (That’s a lie)
At 49, I decided to file for Divorce….start my life over again….not knowing what lay ahead for me.
And at 51, I decided to write a book….without knowing how to do it…or if anyone will read it.
I don’t know where this adventure will take them…but I know some of the best times of my life were because when I took a chance.
What are you ready to take a chance on and try? What thing are you afraid of….that you’re ready to take a chance on?
Stay tuned for updates….and maybe a few LIVE videos from their apartment, because they want me to live with them ;-)
(Side note: They begged me to move in with them but I declined. I said something like, “You need to go and live your life and stop hanging out with your mom!” Then, I’m pretty sure they both started crying.)
At least that’s how I remember it:)
Birdie and Lady say Goodbye….
Someone is going to miss her sister!