Dear Di-ary….
Question: How do you keep life interesting after 28 years together. We are in our 50s, can’t afford to retire anytime soon. Love to travel (when we have the money).
Submitted by Sandy, Missouri
I think in order to keep life interesting you need to grow with each other….and that takes compromising. Try and enjoy things you both like to do as well as doing something that your spouse likes even if it is not your “thing.” But, then they have to do the same for you. You might find out along the way that you enjoy your spouses activity because you can do it with them….and you just might like it!
As we get older we change, what we liked at 18, 25 or even 40 may not be what we like when we are 50. That’s where “growing together” comes into focus. If we continue to enjoy doing things together we will both be having fun! And having fun together is a very important part in every relationship. The more we laugh and have fun together the stronger our bond becomes because we share joyful moments and enjoy being with each other. We have our friends to go out with and have fun….we enjoy being with them, laughing and having a good time together, well the same holds true with our spouse. It is important to make time for each other.
I know that money is always an issue for couples….at least it was for us. Where we decide to spend our money may be completely different for each person. Some like to save for a rainy day and others want to spend it and don’t worry about the future….again compromise!
That being said, when money is short you can always find ways to have fun and not spend a ton of money. Where there’s a will….there’s a way! You can plan a picnic date….pack a wonderful meal and go sit and relax in a beautiful spot and enjoy your time together. A ride “down the shore” or “to the beach” is always a fun thing to do, or going to a State Park and enjoying the outdoors is a wonderful respite! Just being together is what’s important.
When we did have the time and resources to travel we planned a few unforgettable trips, either exploring the United States or traveling abroad. Our most unforgettable trips over the years were to Italy, France, and London. If you can manage it, those trips and experiences together become forever memories that you will cherish for a lifetime.
Editors Note: OFM does not condone any of the sex parts of the blog. Diana has gone rogue and I’m sure Dena is the blame for it.
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