Dear Di-ary….
Question: What is your favorite summer memory?
Submitted by Anonymous
This question is really hard for me because I have so many great memories of when I was growing and my parents taking my brother and me down the shore to go fishing and crabbing or to the lake with all my cousins, aunts and uncles. So many wonderful times spent with family. You don’t really realize how much the time spent with family means until you get older and the family members begin to pass, your children and grand-children grow up and before you know it everything changes….oh how much I miss those days and all the people who have gone before me.
But, back to the wonderful memories!
My Dad always had a boat and each time he bought a new one they got bigger. He loved to fish and be on the water. The girls were in grammar school and my parents decided to purchase a small vacation home in Tuckerton, NJ, which was a lagoon property. My Dad loved it so much because he could put his boat in the water right behind his house and he could go fishing any time he wanted too! Plus, we could all crab from the dock out back or sit on the porch at night and watch the beautiful sunset! The girls had such fun learning to fish and crab with my father. We made many great memories there….and it brought him so much joy to have us all together.
One summer that really stands out was the time Mike and I took the girls to Disney. They were teenagers and we thought it would be fun to go one last time as a family. We didn’t have a lot of money so we drove down all through the night. Mike and I would take turns driving and sleeping.
Because we were driving we had the ability to stop wherever we wanted on the way down. One of our favorite places we loved to stop at was “South of the Boarder.” It is this crazy, fun place about half way to Florida that we loved! You could eat, shop, take pictures, use the rest room and walk around for a while to break up the trip. We gave each of them money and said they could buy whatever they wanted. One thing they bought was “a grabber”….a long handle with a pincher on the end so you could pick things up. Well, as Mike was driving they got out their new “grabber”and started picking up all little pieces of dirt, fuzz and whatever they found on the floor of the van and put them on top of Mike’s head! His hair was full of all kind of junk! They started to giggle and when I realized what they were doing I kept their secret….he had no clue what they did!
It was a sight to see!!! We were all laughing because he looked so funny and he kept saying….”What’s so funny? What are you laughing about?” Of course when he found out what they did he didn’t think it was as funny as we did! That sure was a great trip….in fact I still have that “grabber!”
After our stop at “South of the Boarder” we continued to drive all through the night until we arrived in Florida. As luck would have it we arrived early Sunday morning and, of course, I said we all had to go church!
They were starving so we stopped for breakfast before church. Then I said….”Everyone bring a little bag with your toiletries and a change of clothes because when we’re done we will go in the rest room and get ready!” Of course they all thought I was crazy but we didn’t have a choice as we couldn’t get into our condo until later.
They still talk about it to this day how….”I made them wash up and get dressed for church in a restroom!” We made great memories on that trip!!!
Editors Note: OFM does not condone any of the sex parts of the blog. Diana has gone rogue and I’m sure Dena is the blame for it.
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