Meet a Supporter - Curlytop W.
Introducing subscriber Curlytop Welch from Wylie, TX who first discovered Dena in 2019 when watching vidoes of Missy stuffing granola in her mouth or the crazy antics of Stephanie and her bra buying. Curlytop has joined OFM Tours in Philadelphia and San Antonio and is the administrator of the Texas chapter’s Facebook page.
When asked how becoming a supporter has helped her, Curltop said, “I never realized I had become so full of stress with life that I didn't laugh anymore. Dena and friends have helped me regain myself again. I appreciate how natural everything developed into this beautiful wonderful thing we all need!”
A fun fact about Curlytop that you may not know……she was an Army kid growing up! “We lived in 39 countries and 36 states before I was 13yrs old”, she said. “Heidelberg Germany is my hometown.” What has been the most rewarding part of supporting OFM for Curlytop? “We all are there for each other. I truly feel I have sisters and brothers all over. If I'm traveling, I can reach out and see who is around. That is priceless! Genuine authentic friends are my family now!”
Are you an OFM supporter? Tell us about yourself and why you love being a part of the OFM family here!