Meet a Supporter - Tricia M.
troducing subscriber Tricia Murphy who first discovered Dena in 2020 during the pandemic. Tricia was new to the concept of Facebook Live shows and was grateful to find Dena and her humor. We are happy that Tricia has joined us for 80 for Brady Movie Night and the Philadelphia Phillies game night. Next time you see Tricia, ask her where she first met her husband. She shared that story with Dena at the Phillies game and it got quite a reaction from Dena!
When asked how becoming a supporter has helped her, Tricia said, “I love all the interaction on the supporter page! We have a page where we can say how we feel and someone is always out there to support you and help you out!”
A fun fact about Tricia that you may not know……she wanted to be Julie, the cruise director on the Love Boat when she grew up! (Me too, Tricia!!) The most rewarding part of supporting OFM for Tricia? “When I feel I need to vent or I’m at a loss on what to do, I can post something and someone is always there for you!”
Tricia’s three words describe the “OFM Difference”: Cult! Honesty! LadyDi!
Are you an OFM supporter? Tell us about yourself and why you love being a part of the OFM family here!