Dine with Dena in Palm Springs!

Our Dine with Dena Palm Springs 2023 was a HUGE success! Thirty (some) people showed up….I don’t remember because I may have had a bourbon…and we drank (out of vases) and enjoyed a great meal together. This was our first Dine With Dena on the west coast and they did not disappoint. We had couples, solo attendees, mothers and daughters and people bringing friends (who are now in our cult).

Many thanks to everyone who attended, made a new friend and celebrated our weird group! Hope to see some new faces at the next meet up!

Stephanie Hoops McCarthy

Stephanie “Hoops” McCarthy, thinks she is a “Hoop Girl”. She is our most recently “Employee of the Year”, even though she didn’t show up for the party.


I NEVER wanted to be my kids “Best Friend”…


Dear Di-ary….