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Dena Does Vegas!
Dena Does Vegas!

Dine with Dena in Myrtle Beach!
Dine with Dena Myrtle Beach!

Phillies Game!
Our second annual Phillies Game was a success!

Honky Tonk Your Badonkadonk!

Let Me See Your Ball Drop!

Dine with Dena in Palm Springs!

OFM Phillies Game and Dine with Dena in Myrtle Beach

Dine with Dena in Saskatoon!

Line Dancing in Texas

Trip Pic
A photo from Augusta Vin Winery from our Rock Your Peacock trip!

Trip Pics
It’s trip month! Getting ready for our San Antonio trip and we are still celebrating all the fun we had on Jingle Your Dreamcatcher trip! This was right before we…..

Trip Pics
We are only 45 days from our San Antonio trip and we are still celebrating all the fun we had on our last Spring trip to Bourbon Country.