Dine with Dena in Myrtle Beach!

Our second “Dine with Dena in Myrtle Beach” was a hit! It was our first dinner and SOMA event, with everyone going home with some fancy underwears! Patty, Candace, Shakendra and I chatted, laughed and connected over dinner at PF Changs and then headed to Soma. What a treat it is to travel around the world working….and meeting up with friends, who feel like family, everywhere I go! When will you join me for a Dine with Dena…and Underwears event!

Stephanie Hoops McCarthy

Stephanie “Hoops” McCarthy, thinks she is a “Hoop Girl”. She is our most recently “Employee of the Year”, even though she didn’t show up for the party.


Dear Di-ary….


Oct OFM Hot Dad of the Month