Dine with Dena in Saskatoon!

Dine w Dena- Saskatoon, CA

Our first International “Dine With Dena” took place on July 28, 2023 in Saskatoon Canada- Hosted by Judee and her dogs, Gracie and Daisy. We were a small but mighty crowd of Canadians, Kim from FL and Leah from Oregon! What a special treat to gather together from all corners of the globe to enjoy great food, conversations and, of course, some great laughs. Thanks to everyone who made this special night possible…it made my heart happy:)

Stephanie Hoops McCarthy

Stephanie “Hoops” McCarthy, thinks she is a “Hoop Girl”. She is our most recently “Employee of the Year”, even though she didn’t show up for the party.


Choosing Happiness


Dear Di-ary….